Tuesday, December 30, 2008
"That's shocking!" (otherwise entitled: the last time I get to use an elf quote this year)

Sunday, December 28, 2008
We Got the Beat
Here are a couple of pics from tonight. (minus Loo, she wasn't feeling very well)

P.S. if any of you have rock band 2 (for the wii) and want to challenge us. We would love to do a battle of the bands! Our band name is Skinjobs (a nod to Battlestar Gallactica). Last we checked, we were even ranked in a challenge out of about 2000 bands. We were #199. Not too bad.
So here are a couple songs about music for you:
We will Rock You: Queen
I love Rock and Roll: Joan Jett
We Got the Beat: The Go-Go's
Friday, December 26, 2008
"He loves the snow. He's told me 15 times!"
Walter: Why not? He loves the snow. He's told me 15 times!

First off: WARNING!!! Lauren Hatch, Hannah Shill, or anyone else who frequents my blog under the age of 15. STOP reading. DO NOT PROCEED. And, if you think you might be offended. You should stop too.
Now for the story:
You ever find yourself saying something you didn't mean to say? Or it comes out of your mouth the wrong way. I do. Frequently.
And last night...I did a doozy!
We were at our neighbors house checking out their new gameroom. Very cool. Very very cool. Anyway, the conversation came up about the fact that Trent used the snowblower to de-snow our driveway. So nice of him. The conversation went kind of like this:
Trent: It's good exercise. I'll do it any time. No problem. In fact, tomorrow, I'll come do your driveway again. Don't even worry about it.
me: I wish we had a snowblower
Trent: Yeah, they're so nice to have
me: if we had a snowblower, I'ld blow my neighbors all the time!
everyone including Trent: Nervous looking around. A silent pause. Then hysterical laughter.
Yep, that's me. One foot in the door, the other in my mouth!
"First we'll make snow angels for a two hours...
Christmas time catch up:

Super and Carley played in the snow! We've certainly had lots of it lately. I'm a cool mom, so I piled everything off the driveway and into a big huge pile so they could sled down it. Yep, I'm cool like that!

We've had lots of this lately too. Sue was able to talk to him for a total of about 5 hours (make that 8 hours. Sue just corrected me) through 2 phone conversations this past week. He'll be home in 10 1/2 months. But who's counting? Oh yeah, she is!
This is a pic from Loo's Christmas performance. (via Nene's and Chris' paparazzi skills) Poor girl had to change in and out of dance stuff several times through the course of the evening. It was funny, in one of the dances, she had her choir leggings on in one part of the dance, then there was a moment when she was off-stage. When she re-appeared, she was wearing different pants. Too funny!

Sue survived all 50 performances! Whew! She did great! She kept a good attitude, never missed a performance, and was only a couple minutes late on 2 occasions. Not too bad if you ask me!
"You did it! Congratulations! World's best cup of coffee! Great job, everybody! It's great to be here."

Ticket to Ride is AWESOME! It's super easy to learn and to play. It's a board game with a map of the U.S. Throughout the map, there are destinations. The object of the game is to complete railroads to the destinations you have in your hand. You can also score big points for having the longest connecting track. As you are playing, you can also try to out-smart the other players and block their routes. It can get very cut-throat, or you can play it nice. The choice is yours!

Killer Bunnies is supposed to be fun (we haven't played it yet though) It's a card game in which you have to be strategic to get the most carrots and keep your bunnies alive. Of course everyone is trying to do the same thing, so you get to tar other people's bunnies, or have them abducted by aliens, or all sorts of other things. I'll let you know how it is once we play it.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
"Tomorrow morning...10am. Santa's coming to town"
Just for fun, here's a couple more elf quotes that I didn't have enough time to use during my all elf- all month long- thing.
"Buddy the elf. What's your favorite color?"
"I like your dress, it's very purpley"
"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup."
"You sit on a throne of lies"
"Six inch ribbon curls honey. Six inches"
"Is there sugar in syrup? Then ... yes!"
"Watch out, the yellow ones don't stop"
"If you see gum on the street, leave it there. It's not free candy... and if you see a sign that says 'Peep show', that doesn't mean they're letting you look at presents before Christmas"
"Have you seen these toilets? They're GINORMOUS!"
Jovie: How come you were in the women's locker room this morning?
Buddy: I heard you singing.
Jovie: Are you sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I was naked in the shower?
Buddy: I didn't know you were naked.
"I think you're really beautiful and I feel really warm when I'm around you and my tongue swells up.... So, do you wanna go and.. eat food? You know...the code? (wink)"
I'd like to wish all my readers a Very Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
"It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms... and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me..."

What I'm referring to is NOT the mail room...it's the three different police stations we've been to today.
You may ask yourself why in the world was she at three different police stations? That, my friends is what I'm about to tell you.
Clear back in September, Sue was pulled over. It was late at night and it was past curfew was the first reason he gave her. BUT she didn't have her driver's license on her. "Beddy, beddy not good". (Earl quote there) So, she was issued a citation.
Sue followed the instructions and called to find out how much her ticket was, then on November 3, attempted to go pay it. She went to one police station and they told her "You have to go to the WV Police to take care of that". So, off she went there.
When she showed the WV Police her thing, they said "it's not in the system yet. Take this number and call once a week until the end of the year. If it's not in by then, you won't need to worry about it."
Well, every time she called, it still wasn't in the system.
Saturday, we got a warrant for her arrest in the mail. With a bail of $265.00
Evidently I've been harboring a criminal! Ugh!
So, today, we start our little jaunt to pay the damn thing.
First we go to WV. They say "oh, you have to go to this other office to take care of that"
Then we went to a different police station and they say "oh, you have to go to the office North of here to take care of that"
Then we go to the County office. Finally, we're in the right place.
We show lady #1 the stuff (the ticket with the stamp from WV and the warrant). She tells us "go back to where it says bla bla bla (can't remember what it said) They should be able to take care of that with no problem"
We go back there. They say "oh, I can't do anything for you here. You need to go pay the bail and schedule a court date back there where it says bla bla bla"
So we went there. We paid the $265.00 for a ticket that should have been $40, and now we wait for our court date on Feb. 5
Oh, they told us that her licence would be suspended so we needed to go to the Driver's license division and show them the paper saying we paid her bail and they would take the note off her license.
So we go there... they tell us the ticket isn't in the system. WHAT??? You've got to be kidding me!
So now, I guess we wait for a letter in the mail telling us the license isn't valid until the we show that we've paid our money.
What a freaking joke!
I'm keeping the nutcracker songs because they still go with this post, but I'm also adding Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive. Enjoy!
Jason said I was being a "South Pole Elf" today. Sorry for that. Here's my 5 fave for today, actually, make that 8 for the day:
#1 Got to check off lots on my to-do list today
#2 Got to go see my cute dentist
#3 Only one more tray to go on my invisalign!!!!! :D
#4 Things are looking up for my computer problems
#5 My shopping is DONE!
#6 My house is warm, it smells good, and it looks lovely in it's Christmas attire
#7 my friends ROCK... (even without me) They got to Rock band today and I didn't. Waaah. But they called to give me the invite- and that totally rocks! Thanks Dani :)
#8 and last, but not least... I love my family and I think they love me too! Even if I'm a bit out of sorts today, well, make that the past few days.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
"Son of a Nut-Cracker!"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
"Deb, your face is so pretty, it should be on a Christmas card."
Snow is the song for my post today too, so enjoy! And, if you haven't ever seen White Christmas, I highly recommend renting it or something. It's fabulous! Please click play and enjoy while looking at the rest of this post. :)
Friday, December 12, 2008
"Francisco! That's fun to say! Francisco... Frannncisco... Franciscooo..."

"I'm siiinnngging. I'm in a store and I'm siiinnngging. I'm in a store, AND I'M SIIINNNGGING!"

I'm so glad I got the chance to go do this! I have always wanted to go! It was awesome to feel so special! It was funny listening to the whispers throughout the store! Would I go again? Yes, a hundred times, yes! Thanks Trent for insisting your dad take me shoppin'! Thanks Sue, for coming with me. Most of all, Thank you, thank you, thank you to Mr. Roesbery!
Now for songs. Hmm. There aren't many songs out there about going grocery shopping with your daughter's soon-to-be father in law, so here's some for you from my favorite Christmas movie. Betcha can't guess what it is?
You Make Me Feel So Young: Frank Sinatra
What Christmas Means to Me: Stevie Wonder
Sleigh Ride: Ella Fitzgerald
Let It Snow: Lena Horne
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
"What's a Christmas Gram...I want one!"

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
"Sounds like somebody needs to sing a Christmas Carol" TTA

O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining
And, I quite enjoy Josh Groban singing that song, so here it is for your enjoyment today!
I've been blogging like a mad women today, so be sure to scroll down to see these other posts:
"Code word is Santa's got a brand new bag"
"Hey Buddy, wanna go pick some snowberries"
"Code Word is Santa's got a brand new bag."

[Gimble's manager] Hey guys, you seen the place? Pretty good, they must have brought in a professional. I dunno why, but someone's gunning for my job. But look, let's stick together on this. If you get wind of anything, call me on my radio. Channel three, code word is "Santa's got a brand new bag".
I'm so glad I waited to take that picture. With the freshly fallen snow, I think it turned out pretty well.
Here's another one. Mostly just to try out a photography technique:
"Hey Buddy wanna pick some snowberries?"

Sunday, December 7, 2008
"It's just nice to meet another human that shares my affinity for elf culture."

Sue's is for Oklahoma
Jason's is for his love of Disneyland
Notice the sky in these pictures. Not a single cloud to be found. And Loo's in flip flops. Only a light jacket on. This is December!Super spent her time outside jump-roping and riding her bike.
So, I think the halls are completely decked now. (or at least as much as they're going to be this year). When it's dark, sometime soon, I will go take a picture of the house.
I think it would be fitting to have these 3 songs for you today:
Deck the Halls: by John Denver and the Muppet's, White Christmas: by none other than Bing Crosby, and finally, Because I want to send Mother Nature good vibes...Winter Wonderland by Harry Connick Jr. **please snow** please snow** please snow** please snow**
Thursday, December 4, 2008
"I'm a Cotton-headed Ninny Muggins"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
"Treat every day like Christmas"

"I'm a human, raised by humans"