Day 35- Easy dinners! Panini and salad. Not deluxe, but good. (2.4.13)
Day 36- Thaw. Heat. Eat. My kind of meal! Everyone got to choose between 2 different leftover soups we froze over the past month or so. Perfect. (2.5.13)
Day 37- My printer. It copies and does everything that the copy store printer does...only right in my own home! I lu-hu-huv it! I've never used some of it's cool features until double sided copies, or putting in a stack of papers I need copied into the feeder and have it print my desired amount of copies. Oh yes! It's THAT spiffy. (2.6.13)
Day 38- Books made into movies.*see below We gave Warm Bodies (a book we haven't read, but now we want to) 2 enthusiastic thumbs up! (2.7.13)
Day 39- Not giving into temptations. Wanted to eat out instead of making dinner, but didn't! Good for many many reasons! (2.8.13)
Day 40- Crossing stuff off of to-do list. Such a great feeling! (2.9.13)
*Can I just say how wonderful it is to have a book turned into a movie? (note: technically I don't need your permission, since this is MY blog, but it sounds nicer if I ask) It's awesome even when you haven't read the book! (in fact most of the time, I prefer it that way) But it's so much faster to watch a movie than it is to read a book. And there are SO MANY BOOKS I want to read, but can only squeeze in about a book a month. If you do the math, that's

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