Monday, January 4, 2010

The Houses that WE built

These are the houses that we built.

This is the kit that has all that we need
for all of the houses that we built.

This is the gingerbread all crispy and browned,
that comes in the kit that has all that we need
for all of the houses that we built.

This is the frosting all sticky and white
that goes over the gingerbread all crispy and browned
that comes in the kit that has all that we need
for all of the houses that we built.

This is the candy that’s hard and sweet
that stays on the frosting all sticky and white
that goes over the gingerbread all crispy and browned
that comes in the kit that has all that we need
for all of the houses that we built.
This is the "we" who's creativeness shows
that put on the candy that's hard and sweet
that stayed on the frosting all sticky and white
that went over the gingerbread all crispy and browned
that came in the kit that had all that we need
for all of the houses that we built.

Our House by Crosby Stills Nash and Young


Jenny said...

I love it! You are so clever! Love your new take on a common theme. Love it! Beautiful houses too, by the way!

Evette Mendisabal said...

Darling ... Post, pictures, houses, song/poem, EVERYTHING!!! I have never decorated ginger bread houses I wish I had done it this year now that I look at yours. How fun!

spice2116 said...

i love your family photo!! so cute and these houses look super yummy and super good.

word for the day KISTAB, so i think you have a kissing tab somewhere :p

Shill and Company said...

Those turned out so incredibly cute! I love that they all are different. We sure enjoyed putting ours together. Thanks again you guys.